Application to InvestHK

Net Asset Assessment

Before an Applicant submits an Entry Application to Director of Immigration, he is required to first approach New CIES Office for verifying whether he has fulfilled the Net Asset Requirement, i.e. the requirement for the Applicant to demonstrate that he has Net assets of not less than HK$30 million Net (or equivalent in foreign currencies) to which he is absolutely beneficially entitled throughout the six months preceding the date of application for Net Asset Assessment. The Applicant is required to engage a Certified Public Accountant (Practising) as defined in the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance (Cap. 588 of the Laws of Hong Kong) at his own cost to assist in demonstrating his fulfillment of Net Asset Requirement and submit an application for Net Asset Assessment with provision of the Fulfillment document and all relevant supporting documents stated therein. No more than 14 calendar days may elapse between the date of issuance of the Fulfillment document and the date on which the Applicant lodges his application for Net Asset Assessment.

An Applicant must fill in the Online Application Form for Net Asset Assessment. To demonstrate his fulfillment of the Net Asset Requirement, the Applicant and his engaged Certified Public Accountant (Practising) can make reference to the Reference Guide for Net Asset Assessment and fill in a Net Assets Statement.

Upon New CIES Office’s verification that the Applicant has fulfilled the Net Asset Requirement, New CIES Office will issue a relevant certifying proof to the Applicant and notify Director of Immigration of the result.

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