

Eligibility Criteria

Subject to the terms of the Scheme Rules, an Applicant who satisfies the following criteria will be eligible for an Entry Application:

(a) Age

an Applicant is aged 18 or above at the time of applying for Net Asset Assessment;

(b) Scope of the Scheme

an Applicant must fall into one of the following categories covered by the Scheme:
  • foreign nationals1;
  • Chinese nationals who have obtained permanent resident status in a foreign country;
  • Macao Special Administrative Region residents; and
  • Chinese residents of Taiwan;

(c) Net Assets

an Applicant must apply for a Net Asset Assessment: the Applicant should demonstrate to the satisfaction of Director-General of Investment Promotion that he has Net assets or Net equity to which he is absolutely beneficially entitled with a Market value of not less than HK$30 million Net (or equivalent in foreign currencies) throughout the two years preceding the date he lodged his application for Net Asset Assessment of the Scheme;

(d) Investment in Permissible investment assets

an Applicant must make the committed investment in Permissible investment assets on or after the launch date of the Scheme (i.e. 1 March 2024). An Applicant has met the Investment Requirements if he:

  • has invested within and thereafter throughout the period beginning on the launch date of the Scheme or the 180th day before his application is lodged for Net Asset Assessment, whichever is later, and ending on the day his application is lodged for Net Asset Assessment; or
  • has invested within and thereafter throughout the period beginning on the launch date of the Scheme or the 180th day before his application is lodged for Net Asset Assessment, whichever is later, and ending on the 180th day after Approval-in-Principle has been granted by Director of Immigration; or
  • has invested within and thereafter throughout the period beginning on the day when Approval-in-Principle has been granted by Director of Immigration and ending on the 180th day thereafter;

not less than HK$30 million Net (or equivalent in foreign currencies) in Permissible investment assets to which he is absolutely beneficially entitled;

(e) No Adverse Record

an Applicant must demonstrate that he has no adverse immigration record and meets normal immigration and security requirements; and

(f) Others

an Applicant can demonstrate to Director of Immigration that he is capable of supporting and accommodating himself and his dependants2, if any, on his own without relying on any return on the Permissible investment assets, employment, self-employment, office, business or public assistance in or carried on in Hong Kong as the case may be. In addition, the entry of dependants will be subject to any other policy applicable to such entry at the time3.

1 Nationals of Afghanistan, Cuba, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea are excluded. The list of excluded countries/regions will be reviewed by the Security Bureau/Immigration Department from time to time. Stateless persons who have obtained permanent resident status in a foreign country with proven re-entry facilities will be eligible under the Scheme.

2 “Dependants” refer to his spouse or the other party to a same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership or opposite-sex civil union entered into by him in accordance with the local law in force of the place of celebration and with such status being legally and officially recognised by the local authorities of the place of celebration; and his unmarried dependent children aged under 18 years. For the avoidance of doubt, the terms “civil partnership” and “civil union” above mean a legal institution of a nature which is akin to spousal relationship in a marriage. The same-sex civil partnership, same-sex civil union, “same-sex marriage”, opposite-sex civil partnership and opposite-sex civil union entered into in accordance with laws outside Hong Kong are limited to only relationships which are legally and officially recognised in the places of celebration. Such relationships normally have the following features:
(a) the entering into and dissolution of the relationship are governed by legislation of the place where it is entered into;
(b) the relationship requires registration by the competent authority specified by the legislation of the place where it is entered into;
(c) the registration is evidenced in a written instrument issued by the competent authority; and
(d) parties to the relationship have a mutual commitment to a shared life akin to spouses to the exclusion of others on a permanent basis. Such relationships do not include de facto spouse, partners in cohabitation, fiancé/fiancée, etc.

3 Under existing policy, dependants are allowed to join the Entrant (i.e. the sponsor) provided that
(i) there is reasonable proof of a genuine relationship between the dependants and the sponsors;
(ii) there is no known record to the detriment of the dependants; and
(iii) the sponsors are able to support the dependants’ living at a standard well above the subsistence level and provide them with suitable accommodation in Hong Kong.

Minimum Investment Threshold

An Applicant must make investment of a minimum of HK$30 million Net (or equivalent in foreign currencies) in the Permissible investment assets. Assets acquired before the launch date of the Scheme shall not be counted towards the fulfillment of minimum investment threshold.

Unleash Your Investment Potential with the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme!

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